
The HTTP Proxy-Authorization request header is used by a client to provide credentials to a proxy server to gain access to a protected resource.


The HTTP Proxy-Authorization request header is required in response to receiving the HTTP 407 Proxy Authentication Required status. It is used to supply the required credentials, after which the proxy will forward the HTTP request accordingly.

The directives are the authorization type and credentials. The authentication type is one of those listed by IANA, such as Basic or Digest.


In this example, the client uses the basic Authentication scheme. As a required parameter, the credentials are a base64-encoded username:password pair.

Proxy-Authorization: basic RXhhbXBsZTphaQ==


The HTTP Proxy-Authorization request header is sent by a client to provide credentials to access a resource that is protected behind a proxy server.

See also

Last updated: June 2, 2022